Friday, December 17, 2004

State of the JoBiv Address

Thank you, Sarah, David, and Christi. Excellent suggestions, all.

So, you may be happy to hear that I have crossed several things off my list. F'rinstance, I took a shower. I also put other things on the list and got to cross them out immediatly upon finishing: putting up an ad offering childcare on, responding to a few ads (a mom needs help with 2 mo. old twins! goodness!), and calling around to secure enthusiastic references. jLiz has agreed, despite the fact that I pinched her baby. Not on purpose... it was the damn car seat's fault.

Today only has one major list item to overcome: Finagle a reason to leave the apartment.

Harder than it seems, lemme tell you, because I can't spend any money, even though Hoot is on sale at the Booksmith and I still need to buy jewelry supplies for christmas gifts.

Think think think...

Or rather, finagle finagle finagle...

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