Saturday, November 27, 2004

It's Raining Fish! ...and other tales of wonder

No, really, TRUST the Gorton's fisherman.

JoBiv, what are you talking about?

I'm talkin' bout Sus, who sent me a buttload of coupons for free Gorton's products. Free, I tell you! And I thought, when she asked me if I'd eat any Gorton's products, that a big truck would back up to the doors of the Warwick building (my building, that is - it does have a fancy name), and dump 60 pounds of fish in the foyer. Boy would my neighbors be mad. Boy would it be funny. Regardless, coupons are preferable. And now I can have protein! Yay! For FRIZZLE.

Sus also answered all of my many questions in her letter, and my curiosity is now satisfied. Except for the new questions that have sprung up. She also very lovingly lectured me on a few points, and I needed that. Thanks, Sus.

Yet further proof that I have the best friends in the world:

I called MeeraLove yesterday, as requested previously, and she invited me to see A Shot in the Dark (second Inspector Clousseau movie) at the Brattle Theatre in Harvard Square. Her treat! The movie, if you've never seen any of them, was very funny and silly and groovily representative of the swell '60's. Much enjoyed.

Then, wonder of wonders, Meera treated me to Chinese food! It was almost too much to take! Such niceness! I do love Meera and Ross and their matching scarves.


Eunice Burns said...

I'm so glad you had a nice mellow Thanksgiving, Jo, and I'm glad you'll be eating fish until you burst.

I "very lovingly lectured" you on a few points? Wow, and to think I just thought I was being preachy and self-righteous! I'll have to remember that phrase the next time Mike mistakenly thinks I'm "nagging" him...

Yay for Meera Love and spreading the joy of the holiday.

Sarah said...

Hey! Join my new book club! Everyone's doing it! Well, my sister and Dana are, anyhow. We need a cool name! We need Susan! And Meera! And J Elizabeth! Spread the news!

And Jo, you know how a while ago I said "wait a week" for something? My technology that I needed and thought I had here is actually in Oregon, far far away, so you have to wait even longer.

Sarah said...

I'm posting another comment because I forgot to include Kristin, who needs to get into BloggerWorld ASAP. I'll lure her in with Zio's Pizza, the only pizza I've ever witnessed her eat AND enjoy, the picky girl.

JoBiv said...

I should mention, Sarah, that you might need to invite K personally, as I'm pretty sure she doesn't read my blog. Hi-ho book club, away!!!