Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I get by with a lil help from my friends, OOH I get high with lil help from my friends...

PLEASE click above for a hearty laugh at a TV legend's expense.

Yet further proof of love:

Letter from Sarah! (Or SMI, which makes me think of the Peter Pan character, Smee. But Sarah's cuter and she's no slave to a pirate captain. Actually, she is in no way like Smee.) She wrote me a lovely letter, replete with Spiderman stickers, glitter glue, and de-stressing card thingies. Gollee she's crafty. And a giver by nature.

I frickin' love mail.

Received some news from Miss Meera, but I suspect she'll want to tell you herself. Oh goodness... that doesn't mean you should all attack her at once. I'm sure she'll tell y'all when she catches her breath. But I do feel some anxiety for her, and paradoxically I also have to indulge in a long sigh of relief.

Sweet Meera. I think things will be okay.

I hope we actually keep up with this Book Club idea of Sarah's. Very good one, I have to say. I'm hoping it will help me to feel a bit more connected on a day-to-day basis. Or a month to month basis?

And I am not ashamed at all to talk about TMWB in my blog. After all, there is a slight chance that she'll assume it's the OTHER MWB. Hahahahaha... I'm not a nice girl. (Sarah, do you get it yet?)


Sarah said...

Yes, Susan was kind enough to email me the true nature of the beast. She straightened me out.

I would like to take this time to comment on the emotional state of hispanic men, however...

Sarah said...

And thanks for the testimonial regarding my unlikeness towards/of Smee. Did Max come through on your envelope unmolested? Glad you liked it, Ms Biv.

JoBiv said...

On the emotional state of hispanic men... Hahahahaha... good lord. Someone has to save Utah, but will it be God?

And yes, Max survived the postal system with admirable tenacity and, I have to say, pizzazz.