Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Symptom #2

Who needs sleep? No you're never gonna get it
Who needs sleep? Tell me what's that for...

Symptom numero duo: Insomnia.

The facts are as follows. On a good night, I get seven hours of sleep. On MOST nights, I get about four interrupted hours. In the peak of insomnia I get a half hour of drifting before I jolt awake again. This is peak time.

I am tired.

When I do sleep enough to dream, the dreams are vivid and usually distressing. F'rinstance, I dream about my teeth falling out, over and over. I nudge around my mouth with my tongue and they loosen. Or I bite into something and they topple out. Or they somehow end up crushed into rubble. In one dream my bottom teeth tipped out, but as they fell they never clinked on the floor. They flew around like a tiny flock of birds and hid up in the corners of the room where I couldn't reach them.


Eunice Burns said...

I swear I heard once that when you dream about your teeth falling out, breaking, etc, you have financial concerns. F'real. Weird how the subconscious works, huh?

Me, when I dream about my teeth breaking (which is more often than you think), it's both financial concerns and the worry that my teeth will actually break. Scary thoughts. Considering I don't have a dentist out here yet. Nor dental insurance.

JoBiv said...

Interestink, Sus. I've also heard that dreaming of tooth loss signifies a general fear of losing control. But that seems too easy.