Friday, September 10, 2004

Viva la JoBiv!

I friggin' RULE! Not ONLY did I figure out how to put a link in my page, I linked to my very perfect friend Sarah's page! So happy! Let's do this again!

Here's Meera Love's page!

Click on coy lookin' girl

And here's KDawg's Flickr Madness:

Hot stuff, man!

And zees ees veddy funny, no? Okay, and scary.

Bring in a coupoooon


In other news...

I got a splendid package from Ms. K-Dawg today. It was a photo album, filled nearly completely with wonderful pictures of our little lives in Boston. There was a shocking dirth of flaming cabbages, but the pictures were lovely on the whole. I actually came close to tears, to be honest. I miss my gorgeous friends. (Refer to mopey initial post, please.)

Also, I'm going out to play poolio with Michelle with a C and Carl with a K. And an entire friggin' army of other Harvard Med. strangers. A bit threatening, I'd say. "And what do you do, JoBiv?" "Oh, me? I'm a professional Bohemian. I don't believe in gravity or North Dakota. What's it like being a neuroscientist?"

I can't wait to make new friends!


Anonymous said...

I Love Rather Good. Thanks for the silly link! Hee. Did you see Sarah's Sky Commander photos?
Languishing at library.
I will always remember your flaming cabbage, Jo. That rocked.

JoBiv said...

Yeah, Sarah's pics are amazing! I'm afraid I have nothing so artful in my gallery as you and Sarah have.

And yes, that is the charm of the cabbage... it stains one's memory forever.

Sarah said...

Wow! I have fans! That talking heads things scared me, Jo.