Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Lucretia McEvil

Lucretia McEvil
Originally uploaded by JoBiv!.

Everybody, meet Lucretia. Lucretia, this is everybody.

Now that we're past the formalities, let's play a little tune.

Hmm. It seems I haven't practiced in, oh, three months, and I'm a bit rusty.

This photo, by the way, comes from the old apartment, 56 Queensberry St, G3. G for Ground floor. Ground floor = basement. Basement = infested hovel. But really, we liked to call it Home. That's the couchbed, by the way. Is it a bed? Is it a couch? No, it's a couchbed!

I decided to show off Lucretia today because I am feeling the strain of my non-expression lately. That is, I haven't been singing. For those of you who are unacquainted with the full power of JoBivness, you should know that I love singing jazz and blues, and some soul. For those of you who know me very well, you are probably one of the people who have looked at my sad little face and said, "but are you SINGING, JoBiv?"

This includes Susan Bloom, the Children's Lit program director. Wait... I think she may have already retired. She still has her old office, though, which is where she told me two days ago, "You should really get on the ball with that." Yes, Susan, you're right.

So if anyone has a bar mitzvah, a luau, a coronation ceremony, or any other festivity coming up, I'm renting myself out. I'll bring Ms. McEvil, if you can find someone to play her.

Click subject line for beautiful writing and artful... art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan's RETIRING?? Man, I'm really out of the loop.
