Sunday, September 12, 2004

Giraffes rock, okay? That's all I got.

I won't even tell you how sad I am these days. I won't, because then I'd have to tell you why, and that would be like asking you to take sides. Instead of asking, just send me money. Okay? That's all I need.

Here's a laugh.

Oh, and thank you, Maldenites, for a lovely Breakfast For Dinner evening.


Sarah said...

Will you accept small change? That's about all I can spare now. Spare spare change. Hee hee.

I've had too many shite-filled days lately, myself. I should go to a sewage treatment facility and clean myself out.

Just drink more coffee.

JoBiv said...

But then I'd have to be awake for the shite. That ain't coo! Stay strong, my dear Sarah.