Saturday, January 08, 2005

But... but... why??

I was possibly fired because...

1. I was roughly the same age as J, and much more educated. Intimidating?

2. Kat would cost less than I would? But she said that she can offer $10/hr through Sierra's insurance or something - are they somehow laundering money? I'm calling the Feds.

3. Kat was better at pleading her case? I didn't tell J that I was, oh, THIS CLOSE to jumping off a bridge from anxiety and money problems. That wasn't her business, right? But Kat was clearly the impoverished student...

4. Chris didn't like me. The boyfriend. He gleaned somehow that I didn't appreciate his direct commands and brush-offs when dealing with Sierra and suggested Kat might work out better.

5. J doesn't REALLY want someone qualified, she just wants someone. SHE is the only person who really knows how to raise Sierra, and creativity and tender loving care outside of hers are not appreciated?

Reasons I could not have possibly been fired:

1. Tardiness. I was always early.

2. Ignoring, yelling at, or in any other way abusing the child.

3. Not abiding by house rules. (There were none.)

What then... what?

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