Monday, October 25, 2004

Thank you, Meera Love

Originally uploaded by JoBiv!.

Sweet woman... thank you for splitting a watery strawberry frappe and a reuben with me yesterday.

I took yesterday off, my first day off in three weeks. My brain was tired. I couldn't think in straight lines. The global warming project took on behemoth proportions and I could. not. finish. it.

Now it's done. It's the worst one yet. I hate it. I hate that I made it. I hate that some day children may have to read it. I'm digusted with myself. Gah.

Meera and I were discussing the things we should actually be doing if money didn't matter. We could both go to MFA Writing programs and become poets. We could work on different art disciplines, because we are rahther talented. We could just live. I could sing, right?

But really, what's stopping me, except for blinding, mortifying fear?

Oh, the money thing.


Sarah said...

Love that photo!

JoBiv said...

Me too. It somehow looks like an old found vacation picture from the floor of someone's attic. And Meera looks so... Meera-ish. Elegant, quietly engaged. Needless to say, I did none of that on purpose.