Friday, June 24, 2005

Yet more communal finger-crossings needed

It's funny, during the winter I look out on the gray world and think of all the things I'll do in the spring and summer when it's nice out. And then here are the sunny days, and they're so busy that I find myself daydreaming of fat snowflakes gathering to mute this noisy city.

My life has gotten busy.

Most of my busy-ness comes from the apartment search. I've seen four places so far, one rejected me, one I rejected, two I'm waiting on. I have two to see tonight, two this weekend, and I hope I'll be done by then. So far I haven't found the perfect mix of dream apartment and perfect roommates.

Also today, I have a gig in Waltham with Arnie, this saxophonist who intimidates me named Doug, and a bassist who makes Arnie (the sweetest, most docile man in the world) curse like a trucker. And I have to arrive at Arnie's house in Belmont at 2pm or he may completely lose it. God, I hope he's not high this time.

Tomorrow night - Providence with MeeraLove! I've had plenty of notice and therefore hope to be less than maniacal in the car. I also have a few of my hoarded panic pills left. Just in case.

And the Lil Pea decided she needs to grow some new teeth this week. And whine about it. She's such a big baby. Guh. She's lucky I'm in love with her, or I don't know how I would have the energy or patience for these hot, whiny days.

(I was talking about MY whining that time.)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good luck at yer gig!

I am oh so jealous of you and Meera's trip to Providence! Be sure to stop by Cellar Stories, a place Dana knows well:

111 Mathewson Street
Providence, RI 02903
Is a fabulous shop!