Monday, June 20, 2005

At the end of the day! (Ptooey!)

Yesterday was crazy busy and somehow survivable, not to mention mostly warm and fuzzy. The choir concert came off with all the right drama, and Lil Pea and the Baby Mama showed. I had a ball showing her off.

And then, wonder of wonders, Baby Mama offered us a ride to Allston so we could catch Sus on her Whirlwind Tour.

It was so frickin good to see her.

This whole entry sounds like code but I don't have time to write anything worthwhile. Just thought I'd update. Blue skies peeking through the clouds, etc.


meeralee said...

Hooray for etc.!

Eunice Burns said...

Sigh. Hooray for etc. indeed. It was so so SO wonderful to see you, JoBiv. How I miss you and your laugh and your smile and your conversation. I hate being out of touch with you, but I'll take those little snippets -- whether they are from you on your blog or at the Sunset in person -- anytime I can get them.

Eunice Burns said...

P.S. The Sunset snippets in person are always preferred, of course. Especially if there's yummy food to share, too.