Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy Holidays from Shane Tamika Colligan

23 Dec 2002
Subject: Cool Yule!

Jo Biv, my sweet monkey: I am ever so sorry for not-mailing you lo these past several months. Fortunately, the doctors have found a cure for the dreaded bastard gene and I'm being treated for it with a series of painful injections directly into the eyes. Ahhhh, what a relief it will be when I'm no longer a bastard!

I hope you are having a fantabulous Christmas and that your New Year's is also swell. I hope the fat cat brings you everything you want and that he doesn't eat all your Christmas cookies. I'm sorry that I haven't seen you in a while. A loooooong while. Oh, how I miss you!! Please come visit sometime if you have a chance. Perhaps a jaunt to Bean Town is in order soon.

Ok, gotta run. I miss you, kid! Merry Christmas! Tell the fam I said hello!!

I miss you, Jo!!

Merry Christmas. Love, Shane

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